To answer the second part of this first (i.e.- which superpower would I choose) I have to say that the nerdy fanboy in me screams "Choose Wolverine's abilities!" Because the nerdy fanboy in me knows that those abilities include no illnesses ever, no risk of injury, and a vastly extended life (and some other things that mainly involve smelling things really keenly). Well, that last part with the extended life thingie would in itself give me more time to then get more done which is what I would mainly use Time Stoppage for. Plus, I could use my nerdy fanboy powers to fight crime (which yes, I would TOTally do). But anyhow, that's not what this scribble's about...
If I had the power to stop time, I would have to have some rules and stipulations to the power for me to want to use it very often. I would want to:
(1) not age while time was stopped
(2) have Laini and anyone else I wanted along with me while time was stopped for the rest of the world
With this power I wouldn't rob a bank or anything hugely immoral. Instead I would go to some huge gathering of rich people and swipe $5 from each of them. Doing this sort of thing often enough would be like winning the lottery. (sweet!) Plus, I could Robin Hood some of that money to the poor. And of course, I would do all of the righting wrongs thing that I could, but for purposes of this blog, which let's face it, is a display of vanity in and of itself, I will focus on my selfish uses of the power.
And so, the main thing I would do while time was stopped is get LOTS of creative projects completed. Right now I've got so many ideas swimming in my head that it's hard to choose one or two to focus on without feeling like I'm neglecting the other numerous ideas. Also, when I get an illustration job I could stop time and POW send the Art Director a completed piece in what would seem to them like hours or a single day (depending on how much I wanted to wow them).
Ah, but as Laini said in the prompt, dwelling too much on this power does the opposite of being productive and just makes me unrealistically long for it too much. So, with that, I will commit to get even more of my personal projects done and continue to complete all of my illustration jobs before they're due.
For more Time Stoppage scribblings, go here.
*(edit: I added a caption to the illustration above to clarify that it is indeed some of my art)*
And think of all the pranks you could pull when you were getting the five dollars! I'd put a plate on someone's head or something...
I like the idea of being able to take someone with you in your stoppage! And I love that illustration. Did you make it?
Oh, and I think it's more of a blessing than a curse to have too many projects you want to complete. Imagine having nothing in your creative mind? Shutter!
Michelle - Yes, there would definitely be a rich person or two (the ones I'm taking the $5 from) who might all of a sudden POOF have clown makeup on -- that'd be awesome!
Bug - Yeah, stoppage without anybody you care about to chat with would be MUCH less fun. And thanks for the compliment about that illustration. Yes it IS a piece I did -- actually it's a cropped portion of a larger piece that I'll be putting on my website once I finish a few more pieces (you know, for a big update instead of one piece at a time). Thanks again though! :)
I actually think, based on all the conversations we have had over the years, that conversing with your frozen version might be a bit more challenging for someone as superior as myself. More importantly, I LOVE this latest painting! You are one talented escape convict if I've ever seen one myself. If I could stop time and have everyone frozen except for myself, I'd line everyone up coast to coast in one direction so it looks like everyone is waiting in line patiently to jump into the Atlantic Ocean and it would scare all those man eating sharks away. Then once I was sure they were gone I'd hop on my boogie board and surf all the way to Bulgaria, where I would then unfreeze Cami and Bobi so we could go forkfishing together and eat banitsas and then I'd freeze them right back up and watch all the frozen people trying to unfreeze their little frozen selves. And I'd eat brownies and put it up to their lips in case they were hungry but it probably would just fall to the ground because they are frozen iceblock heads.
Oh I love the idea of Robin Hooding during time stoppage ... as always your artwork amazes ... thanks for including how you get it done.
I would love to see all the CEO's of the Fortune 500 companies relieved of five dollars as well as made up in clown make up. I have a new dream.
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