Tuesday, February 12, 2008

BANG! and bass

First off, many thanks to those who left kind comments about our baby news (!!), to all those who sent e-mails and called, and for the generous gifts that we've received already too! Amazing kindness out there, so thank you again! We're very excited!

Secondly, I've been hired on to a VERY cool book project that I'm pretty sure I can discuss fairly soon, but I'll just say that it involves one of my all time favorite authors, creepy kids, and aliens! The deadline will probably come up pretty quickly and I'll see if I can post some art in the near future.

Lastly, the drawings above are just some images that I'm using as part of two gifts for some great friends of mine -- but they don't blog, so this shouldn't result in any spoilers (I hope!).

Be well!

1 comment:

Joe Karg said...

Great blog dude. I really dig these newest images.
